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Optimization of sample thickness for small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) Wu, HJ; Chen, RC; Li, ZH 2023 INSTRUMENTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Delta-8 superconducting undulator to generate helical and low heat load linear polarization Wei, JH; Li, YH 2023 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT
Lepton number violating electron recoils in a U (1)B-L model with non-standard interactions Lin, YG; Gao, Y; Li, TJ 2023 NUCLEAR PHYSICS B
Projection Matrix Based Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for Robotic CT Zhou, X; Xu, Q; Wei, CF 2023 IEEE ACCESS
Recent Cross-Section Measurements of Top-Quark Pair Production in Association with Gauge Bosons Thomas-Wilsker, J 2023 UNIVERSE
Spectroastrometric Reverberation Mapping of Broad-line Regions Li, YR; Wang, JM 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Prospects for application of synchrotron radiation SAXS-WAXS in coal-based activated carbon research Fan, YQ; Fan, HL; Li, ZH 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OIL GAS AND COAL TECHNOLOGY
Rarefied Broad-line Regions in Active Galactic Nuclei: Anomalous Responses in Reverberation Mapping and Implications for Weak Emission-line Quasars Du, P; Zhai, S; Wang, JM 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Detector shifting and deep learning based ring artifact correction method for low-dose CT Liu, YD; Wei, CF; Xu, Q 2023 MEDICAL PHYSICS
The translational μ-τ reflection symmetry of Majorana neutrinos Xing, ZZ 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A
Multi-TeV photons from GRB 221009A: uncertainty of optical depth considered Zhao, ZC; Zhou, Y; Wang, S 2023 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C
Geminga SNR: Possible Candidate of Local Cosmic-Ray Factory (II) Zhao, B; Guo, YQ; Zhou, XX 2023 UNIVERSE
Contributions to the nucleon form factors from bubble and tadpole diagrams Gao, ZY; Wang, P; Yang, MY 2023 CHINESE PHYSICS C
A data compression and encryption method for green edge computing Liu, JL; Zhang, Y; Gong, B 2023 CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
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