- 类别: 特聘青年研究员
- 研究方向:
1. 阻挫磁体中的磁基态及磁激发;
2. 拓扑半金属中的晶体结构、磁结构和磁激发;
3. 物质中原子和磁矩短程序
4. 稀土离子在材料中的晶体场激发
5. 极化中子散射在量子材料研究中的应用
- 学历: 博士研究生
- Email: fengex@ihep.ac.cn
- 地址: 广东东莞中子源路1号中国散裂中子源A1-628
- 邮编: 523803
1. 中国散裂中子源二期工程(CSNS-II)弹性漫散射中子谱仪(EDS)和单晶中子衍射仪(SCND)的设计与建设
2. 三维阻挫磁体稀土烧绿石的低温磁性调控及中子散射研究
3. 二维量子磁体的中子散射研究
1. Erxi Feng ; Magnetic Order and Excitation in Frustrated Pyrochlore 5d – Transition Metal Oxides, Forschungszentrum Ju?lich GmbH, 2018;
2. Jie Xing; Erxi Feng; Yaohua Liu; Eve Emmanouilidou; Chaowei Hu; Jinyu Liu; David Graf; Arthur P Ramirez; Gang Chen; Huibo Cao; Ni Ni ; Néel-type antiferromagnetic order and magnetic field–temperature phase diagram in the spin- rare-earth honeycomb compound YbCl3, Physical Review B, 2020, 102(1): 14427;
3. Viviane Pe?anha-Antonio; Erxi Feng; Xiao Sun; Devashibhai Adroja; Helen C.Walker; Alexandra S.Gibbs; Fabio Orlandi; Yixi Su; Thomas Bru?ckel ; Intermultiplet transitions and magnetic long-range order in Sm-based pyrochlores, Physical Review B, 2019, 99: 134415;
4. Lei Ding; Xianghan Xu; Harald O. Jeschke; Xiaojian Bai; Erxi Feng; Admasu Solomon Alemayehu; Jaewook Kim; Fei-Ting Huang; Qiang Zhang; Xiaxin Ding; Neil Harrison; Vivien Zapf; Daniel Khomskii; Igor I. Mazin; Sang-Wook Cheong; Huibo Cao ; Field-tunable toroidal moment in a chiral-lattice magnet, Nature Communications, 2021, 12: 5339
5. Xin Gui; Erxi Feng; Huibo Cao; Robert J. Cava ; Ferromagnetic Cr4PtGa17: A Novel Half- Heusler-Type Compound with a Breathing Pyrochlore Lattice, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143(35): 14342-14351